
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

GPS - Sensors

We´ll use the MAX6631 temperature sensor
Datasheet: http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/256/MAX6629-MAX6632-89478.pdf
  • Range -55ºC ->  +125ºC
  • Precision +/- 0.2ºC
  • Sampling time = 8seg
  • Idle current 6uA @ 3.3V
Temperature sensor schematics

The barometer will be MS5611-01BA03
Datasheet: http://www.meas-spec.com/downloads/MS5611-01BA03.pdf
  • Resolution: 10cm
  • Conversion time 1ms
  • Current 1uA
  • Interface SPI or I2C
  • Range 10 to 1200mbar
  • Integrated Termometer (+/- 2ºC)
Barometer schematics

We´ll use the combined accelerometer/magnetometer/gyroscope LSM9DS0
Datasheet: http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/datasheet/DM00087365.pdf

Accelerometer schematics

Ambient light sensor will be APDS-9004
Datasheet: http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/38/V01-0184EN-107079.pdf

Ambien light sensor schematics

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled across your post while searching for info in the LSM9DS0. I see that you connected the serial out from the Gyro and the Accelerometer/magnetometer. How did that work out?

    Also I hope your GPS project worked out, you have some good ideas. You should make another post about it.
